Privacy Policy

Please be assured that at, we respect your privacy. This privacy policy describes:

Information Collected collects information from visitors to this website with the intention of using this information to improve and optimize the site based on user preferences and usage patterns. Information collected in the process includes, but is not limited to items such as:

Information Gathering Technology may use cookie technology and other information gathering technologies as a method to collect anonymous usage statistics during your site visit.

Contact Form Information
Throughout the website, the opportunity is given to make inquiries and contact in an effort to make an appointment, or determine an estimated value for a current vehicle.

Completion of any contact forms is completely voluntary and not required to sell your vehicle at The information collected in these forms is submitted directly to and is read and interpreted by staff and associated personnel.

Third Parties
The information collected and submitted by you is sometimes shared with third parties for the purpose of fulfilling a request originated by you, or to complete sales or marketing activities on behalf of For example, we may provide the information submitted on the contact form to a third party agency to determine an estimated value for your vehicle. Sometimes third parties are used to carry out marketing activities such as follow-up direct mail and/or email communications (with consent). Any third party organizations used in any of these processes are bound by confidentiality agreements regarding the use of this data.

Information Disclosure
While third party information systems are used to store any data collected, the data is not shared with any unaffiliated third parties for their independent use without your permission. however, will disclose information collected as a result of your site visit if/when required by law, for the purpose of trial or other litigation and in an effort to resolve a dispute. Your information will NOT be sold, rented or given to anyone and access to your data is restricted to employees of, contractors, and other agents approved to carry out business on the behalf of as approved by management staff.

Information Safeguards
While no guarantees can be given that the information collected and stored is completely safe, measures are taken to protect and provide reasonable safety to information stored in our system. The measures may include, but are not limited to:

EdgeOne Technologies Corp.
This website was designed and is managed by EdgeOne Technologies Corp., a third party organization contracted by This organization is responsible for providing services such as website design, development and technical support and as such has backend (unrestricted) access to the website and all information collected from its usage. EdgeOne Technologies Corp. provides IT and marketing consulting services to and is bound by a confidentiality agreement and cannot share/rent or in any way sell data collected or stored in any of the information systems.

Questions or Inquiries Regarding this Policy
If you have any questions or require clarification on any of the points covered in the Privacy Policy, please direct your inquiry to at